Soil, Water and Plant Testing Laboratory

What We Analyze

The Soil-Water-Plant Laboratory analyzes soil, water, plant, sludge, manure and miscellaneous types of samples from farmers, homeowners, consultants, government agencies and CSU personnel, and provides fertilizer suggestions for improving crop growth. The lab does not test herbicides or pesticides.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Important Lab Messages

New Sample Submittal Form Policy

All sample submittal forms must be filled out completely. 

How to Submit a Sample

Take a moment to review the steps for submitting a soil sample. We want ensure you submit a successful sample.

*The Soil-Water-Plant Testing Lab does not test for pesticides or herbicides

How To Take A Sample

Be sure to familiarize yourself with proper sampling techniques. We offer downloadable PDF instructions on how to take soil and water samples. Feel free to download these for reference.

Fill Out a Submission Form

We have specific requirements based on the type of sample you have. Navigate to the Forms page and complete the PDF form that best describes your sample. Please COMPLETELY fill out the form.

Mail or Deliver Your Sample and Form

Once you have filled out and printed your new form, include it with your sample and deliver it to:

CSU Spur
Soil, Water and Plant, Testing Lab
Room T-316
4780 National Western Drive
Denver, CO 80216

soil samples

How Much Does Testing Cost?

Pricing with vary depending on the type of analysis you need. Browse our detailed price for more information on fees. 

clumps of soil

How To Interpret Your Results

We created a guide on how to interpret your sample results. Feel free to download the guides for your reference.

Useful Information

Safe Gardening Guidelines for Marshall Fire

For Areas Affected by the Marshall Fire, read the Boulder County Public Advisory

Can We Help Answer Your Questions?

Is there something you need to know? Do you have a question about specific testing protocols? Or maybe you need a little more explanation about your recent test results. Send us your questions and we will be sure to answer them for you. 

SWPTL Contact Form

Form for customers to submit questions.
