Agricultural Education Teacher Development Program Details
The purpose of the degree option is to explore and develop projects which directly impact the effective educational practices, including relevance, hands on training, high levels of student cognition and student confidence. This is a directed and personal experience for the student, designed to meet the specific needs of each individual within the degree program. The faculty in this program capitalizes on the strength of the individual student and develop focused areas of inquiry to improve their effectiveness.
Build Your Committee
Create a committee of a minimum of three individuals to help guide and direct the project, curriculum plan of study and final defense of the project. The committee is integral to the success of the project and is required. The committee includes:
- Advisor – A person familiar with school-based agricultural education as well as current practices and research in the field. The advisor will to work closely with and mentor the student towards successful completion of the project.
- Committee Member(s) – These individuals should be familiar with the content and research methods of the project to provide valuable insight to the project components, research plan and program of student.
- Outside Committee Member – This individual serves at the request of the graduate school and as such determines that the project and program of study is of sufficient scope and quality to be “graduate degree” worthy.
Professional Project
The Master of Agriculture in Agricultural Education Teacher Development requires a professional project, of which a publishable, written report and oral defense are required. The project must align with National Quality Program Standards for Agricultural Education and the Colorado Career and Technical Education Standards and Quality Indicators.
Develop a project that has a direct impact on the effective teaching in agricultural education
Develop a project that is research-based and evaluates data which informs decisions in agricultural education.
Develop a project that will include an outreach or service component for the profession.
Course Details and Requirements
Teacher Development Requirements
- 30 credit hours
- 6 credits in regular courses above the 500 level
- Most courses can be done through correspondence or online experiences, though it is suggested that students plan on spending a summer session on campus for course and/or project completion
- 9 credits of professional development courses (typically EDCT 590), but credits must be above 500 level
- 3 credits of AGED 698 during the final semester to guide the project to formal completion
- 18 credits that focus on education, methods and advanced agriculture content that is specific and directed towards what the individual student needs for teacher advancement
Additionally, there are options for individuals to pursue a Colorado Teacher’s License in combination with the graduate degree program. In such cases, the course work is different and more directed as it requires individuals to meet all the licensing requirements as specified through the Colorado Department of Education. Students in this program will also have to meet all requirements as listed on the undergraduate agricultural education check sheet (either with actual or approved substitutable content courses).
Teacher Development Summary of Required Coursework
Core Required Courses:
- EDRM 600 – Introduction to Research (3 cr)
- EDCT 590 – (4 cr)
Additional Required Courses:
- Track 1* – Teacher Professional Development
- AGED 540 – Laboratory Management in Ag Ed; 2 cr.
- Track 2* – Teacher Development – Teacher Licensure
- AGED 420 – Development of School Based Agricultural Education; 3 cr.
- EDUC 450 – Instruction II; 4 cr.
- EDCT 425 – Methods/Materials in Ag Ed – 4 cr.
- Additional credits to meet Ag Ed licensure; varied cr.
*Track 1 students are in-service agriculture teaching professionals pursing MAGR in Teacher Professional Development.
*Track 2 students are those pursing post-bachelor licensure with the Master of Agriculture Teacher Development – Teacher Licensure Degree
Teacher Development- Plan A
Plan A master’s degrees require the preparation of a thesis. The thesis is typically a written formal document which addresses, in an original fashion, some important concern of the discipline. A thesis involves significant independent work. A certain number of credits are allowed for the preparation of the thesis.
- At least 24 credits must be earned at CSU
- Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School
- Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 21 credits must be earned after admission to the Graduate School
- Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 16 credits must be in 500 or higher level courses. Of the 16 credits, at least 12 credits must be in 500 or higher level regular courses
- Course numbers with the last two digits between 82-99 (i.e. PSY 784, JTC 690) are considered non-regular courses
Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School.
View Course Requirements on the CSU Course Catalog
Teacher Development – Plan B
Non-Thesis/Project – Plan B. Plan B master’s degrees do not require a thesis; instead, more credits are earned in other types of courses and/or a scholarly paper is required. Plan B master’s degrees may also require a project, journal, or professional paper.
- At least 24 credits must be earned at CSU
- Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School
- Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 21 credits must be earned after admission to the Graduate School
- Of the courses earned at CSU, at least 16 credits must be in 500 or higher level courses. Of the 16 credits, at least 12 credits must be in 500 or higher level regular courses
- Course numbers with the last two digits between 82-99 (i.e. PSY 784, JTC 690) are considered non-regular courses
Includes courses completed both prior and after admission to the Graduate School.
Visit the CSU Course Catalog to view detailed course requirements.
Contact Us
Kellie Enns
Assistant Professor
Agricultural Education Graduate Program Director
Dessa Watson
Extension Education