Community Landscape Design Services
Each year the Landscape Design and Contracting Program at Colorado State University partners with both members of the CSU community and beyond. The projects are geared to benefit both students in the program and community members, because students will get real-world experience to prepare landscape plans using all previous course work in their discipline to produce landscape plans. Throughout the project students will work with their professors who will oversee and evaluate each project.
Join Our Partner Program
Projects are broken into two categories. Those expected to be 10,000 square feet or smaller will have a fee of $350. Those bigger than 10,000 square feet will have a fee starting at $600.
The fees associated with these projects assist students to be able to travel to national industry events, where they have the opportunity to meet with professionals in the field and secure internships or jobs after graduation. As well as supporting the Student Organization of Landscape Design and Contracting as a whole.
If you are interested in working with our program, please fill out the form below. Projects are usually assigned on a first come first serve basis. If you have additional questions, please email: