Landscape Design and Contracting Outreach
Our faculty have built strong connections with our industry partners who share their experience and expertise to inform the currency of our course content.

Design Week Build Semester
Students participate in a yearly service project called Design Week Build Semester, providing opportunities for our students work in groups to design and build landscape projects for nonprofit organization around Northern Colorado.
Local School District Projects
The team has partnered with local school districts to bring students to campus, allowing them shadow a day in the life of a Landscape Design and Contracting student as well as to demonstrate what the program and profession have to offer.
Green Industry Career and Field Day
Engaging with over 300 high school students each year provides another opportunity for potential Landscape Design and Contracting students to consider all the professional pathways that are available within the Green Industry.
Semilla Project
The Semilla Project was designed with equity-centered high-impact practices as its foundation. Our goal is to provide an enriching agricultural science experience to urban and rural high school students that will promote the importance of their voice and cultural and academic knowledge in this field.