Colorado Center for Sustainable Pest Management

Center Mission and Goals

Our mission is to co-create knowledge to improve sustainability and profitability of Colorado agriculture and improve well-being of Coloradans through engaged scholarship. The Center facilitates coordination among scientists and educators to address complex challenges facing Coloradans and train students to prepare them for diverse career paths in crop protection and plant health. The Center promotes improved communication among key collaborators and stakeholders to advance the knowledge and adoption of IPM, enhanced coordination and responsiveness of IPM research, and increased availability of safe, affordable, and high-quality crops to consumers.

CSU Extension Factsheets

Many CSU Extension factsheets are on the Center website, but you can find the complete database of extension factsheets at the CSU Extension Website.

See the impacts of our work in Colorado

Our impact statements provide a quick and easy way to understand the significance of our efforts.

Contact for questions and media requests:

Questions regarding pesticide licensing and training:

Search For Pests By Category

Our new site allows you to easily search for pests by category. Find your pest based where your pest is affecting your plants and crops. We have also included a section on beneficial insects and pollinators to enhance natural pest management.

field crops

Agricultural Pests

Important agronomic commodities in Colorado such as wheat, corn, and alfalfa are host to diverse pests that limit crop production. Here you will find descriptions of these pests and effective management strategies.

Browse Pests By Type



Tree and Shrub Pests

Trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants make up our urban, community, and home landscapes. There are a number of important invasive and native pests that threaten these landscapes.   

Browse Pests by Type


Apple trees

Fruiting Tree and Shrub Pests

Fruit trees grown in Colorado include peaches, apples, apricots, plums, and pears. Pests reduce fruit yields by feeding on the fruit, and injuring different parts of the tree such as leaves or bark.

Browse Pests by Type

White grub injury in lawn.

Turfgrass Pests

There are many different insects associated with turfgrass in Colorado, with a few commonly causing damage, often larvae of beetles, weevils, and moths. IPM in turf ecosystems usually requires attention to cultural practices and protection of pollinators.

Browse Pests by Type


A group of wasps at a hummingbird feeder.

Household Pests

Arthropods of concern to community members are often those than invade homes, buildings, and yards or cause some sort of nuisance. These include ants, grasshoppers, bees and wasps, spiders, and many others.

Browse Pests by Type


industrial hemp

Industrial Hemp Pests

Hemp is a highly regulated plant with applications in medicine, clothing, and more. Learning to identify and manage pest infestations within the context of IPM can help prevent hemp yield and quality losses.

Browse Pests by Type


chili pepper field

Vegetable Pests

These systems with diverse production approaches have a variety of pest challenges.

Browse Pests by Type

Adult green lacewing

Beneficial Insects

Many insects are beneficial to protecting our plants and crops. Learning to identify and nurture beneficial insects will enhance your production and the overall health of the ecosystem.

Browse Beneficial Insects by Type

Natural Enemies of Pests

IPM Resources and Information

Armyworm caterpillar parasitized

Need Insect Identification Help?

We offer agricultural insect identification services through our Plant Diagnostic Clinic and laboratory. We now charge a $15 identification fee. Please visit the Plant Clinic for sample submission instructions.

Learn More About the Plant Diagonistic Clinic

Japanese beetle trap with adults

Colorado Pest Trapping Data

We monitor a number of important agricultural and urban pests. Data are updated throughout the growing season.

View Historical Monitoring Data at CSU Extension

Spotted lanternfly.

Spotted Lanternfly

Please visit the spotted lanternfly webpage for information on the pest description, life history, and management.

Help Support Monitoring Efforts for Spotted Lanternfly

Emerald ash borer.

Emerald Ash Borer

Please visit the emerald ash borer webpage for information on the pest description, life history, and management.

Help Support Monitoring Efforts for Emerald Ash Borer

CSU Extension Insect Fact Sheets

If you are in need of a more in-depth explanation or a specific insect description, we suggest browsing the CSU Extension fact sheets. They are our most thorough and rigorously edited resource. Many of these are developed in collaboration with our faculty.

REEU Information

This summer, we will be hosting an REEU (Research and Extension Experience for Undergraduates) focused on Applied Research and IPM for Dryland Systems.

More information coming soon!

IPM Events

See our events page for information about upcoming events related to IPM!

IPM in the Press

Learn more about the people on our team and the research and work that we do!

Programs affiliated with the Center for Sustainable Pest Management

field crops

Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program

The source for current and accurate information on pesticide laws, safety, and training

Read about new EPA guidance for Endangered Species Act compliance

Japanese beetle trap with adults

Master Gardeners

Our goal is to enhance knowledge-based education to local communities. We teach individuals about plants and foster successful gardeners while protecting neighborhood environments.

Spotted lanternfly.

Western IPM Center

In addition to the work we do in Colorado, the Center for Sustainable Pest Management is part of a greater network of IPM professionals in the Western region.

Members of the Colorado Center for Sustainable Pest Management

Ada Szczepaniec.

Dr. Ada Szczepaniec

Center Director, IPM Coordinator

Associate Professor of Horticultural Entomology

Brad Tonnessen

Dr. Aryn Baxter

IPM Team

Assistant Professor of Practice and Associate Director of Development and Education

Lisa Blecker.

Lisa Blecker

IPM Team

Pesticide Safety Instructor

Micky Eubanks

Dr. Kadie Britt

IPM Team

IPM Program Manager

Micky Eubanks

Dr. Micky Eubanks

IPM Team

Professor of Entomology

Todd Gaines.

Dr. Todd Gaines

IPM Team

Associate Professor of Molecular Weed Science

Punya Nachappa

Dr. Punya Nachappa

IPM Team

Associate Professor and Associate Department Head

Melissa Schreiner

Dr. Vamsi Nalam

IPM Team

Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology and Plant Pathology

Robyn Roberts.

Dr. Robyn Roberts

IPM Team

Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology

Melissa Schreiner

Melissa Schreiner

IPM Team

Extension Specialist in Entomology, Grand Junction Research Center

Jane Stewart

Dr. Jane Stewart

IPM Team

Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

Brad Tonnessen
Cynthia Brown

Dr. Cini Brown

Professor of Plant Invasion Ecology

Amy Charkowski

Dr. Amy Charkowski

Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Plant Pathology

Brad Tonnessen

Dr. Mohamad Chikh-Ali

Research Professor and Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology, San Luis Valley Research Center

Todd Gaines.

Dr. Ruth Hufbauer

Professor of Biocontrol of Weeds

Andrew Norton

Dr. Andrew Norton

Professor of Pest Ecology and Management