Household Pests
Household Insects
Western conifer-seed bug
Western conifer-seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis
Order: HemipteraFamily: Coreidae
The western conifer-seed bug is a common household nuisance in the fall and winter. These ...
Western bloodsucking conenose
Western bloodsucking conenose, Triatoma protracta
Order: HemipteraFamily: Reduviidae
The western bloodsucking conenose is native to Colorado. As a group, these insects are more ...
Western black widow spider
Western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus
Order: AraneaeFamily: Theridiidae
The western black widow spider is the most common of the Latrodectus spp. inhabiting Colorado. ...
Ticks and tick-borne diseases
Ticks and tick-borne diseases
Order: AcariFamily: Argasidae, Ixodidae
Ticks are classified as arachnids, which includes spiders, scorpions, and mites. There are two families of ...
Termites, Reticulitermes hesperus
Order: BlattodeaFamily: Rhinotermitidae
The eastern subterranean termite is the most common termite species in Colorado. Termites are either blind ...
Spiders in the home
Spiders in the home
Order: Araneae
Western black widow spider Western black widow spiders, Latrodectus hesperus, (Family: Theridiidae) are the most dangerous spider found in the ...
Mosquitoes and West Nile virus
Mosquitoes and West Nile virus
Order: DipteraFamily: Culicidae
Over 200 species of mosquitoes inhabit the United States, with over 45 species of mosquitoes occurring in Colorado. ...
Miller moth
Miller moths
Order: LepidopteraFamily: Noctuidae
The common name "miller moth" refers to any moth species that is abundant in or around the home. In Colorado, miller moths are most ...
Order: PhthirapteraFamily: Pediculidae
Description and life history
Lice are insect ectoparasites that feed on the blood of vertebrates. The medical term “pediculosis” refers to a lice ...
Indian meal moth
Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella
Order: LepidopteraFamily: Pyralidae
The Indian meal moth is the most common species of pestiferous moth in Colorado homes. The larvae feed on ...
Houseplant pests
Houseplant pests
Order: Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Acari, Diptera, Collemobla
Description, life history, and management
While many insect and mite pests are damaging to houseplants, some are ...
Order: OpilionesFamily: Phalangiidae, Sclerosomatidae
In Colorado, commonly encountered harvestmen include certain Leiobunum spp. and the invasive Philangium opilio. The ...
Flies in the home
Flies in the home
Order: Diptera
Adult flies are winged and the most frequently observed life stage. Larvae are pale, legless maggots that often migrate away from their food source ...
Order: SiphonapteraFamily: Pulicidae
Fleas are wingless insects that have spines on the legs and body. These insects are small, measuring about 1.4-2 mm (1/18-1/13 inch) long ...
European paper wasp
European paper wasp, Polistes dominula
Order: HymenopteraFamily: Vespidae
The European paper wasp is a generally black insect marked with yellow. They are fairly slender bodied with ...
European earwigs
European earwig, Forficula auricularia
Order: DermapteraFamily: Forficulidae
Earwigs found in Colorado were introduced in the 1950s, they are a common nuisance pest both indoors ...
Drosophilid flies
Drosophilid flies, Drosophila spp.
Order: DipteraFamily: Drosophilidae
Adults are small flies with stout bodies, measuring approximately 3 mm (1/8 inch) long, and typically have ...
Dermestid beetles
Dermestid beetles
Order: ColeopteraFamily: Dermestidae
Dermestid beetles are scavengers that feed on a variety of household materials derived from plant or animal matter. There are ...
Order: BlattodeaFamily: Blattidae, Blattellidae
Cockroaches can feed on a wide variety of food sources but tend to prefer foods containing meat and starch.
American ...
Brown recluse spider
Brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa
Order: AraneaeFamily: Sicariidae
The brown recluse spider is uncommon and frequently misidentified in Colorado. These spiders can have light ...
Boxelder bug
Boxelder bug, Boisea trivattata
Order: HemipteraFamily: Rhopalidae
The boxelder bug is a common household pest in Colorado. They can feed on a variety of plants, and boxelder seed ...
Order: PsocopteraFamily: Liposcelididae, Trogiidae
Booklice are small insects that do not bite or sting and can be a pest indoors. These insects are usually wingless, ...
Bed bugs
Bed bugs, Cimex lectularius
Order: HemipteraFamily: Cimicidae
These insects are found worldwide, however infestations in the US have been on the rise in recent decades. Like all ...
Bed bug look-alikes
Bed bug look-alikes
Order: HemipteraFamily: Cimicidae
The eastern bat bug (Cimex adjunctus), western bat bug (Cimex pilosellus), swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius), and Hesperocimex ...
Ants in the home
Ants in the home
Order: HymenopteraFamily: Formicidae
Almost anywhere in Colorado, ants will be the most common insect found in yards, gardens, fields and forests. Most ants found ...