B.W. Pickett Arena
We take great pride in our multifunctional arena where we can showcase our most popular equine events. It’s a $5.2 million facility with several amenities including:
- Indoor arena the size of a football field
- Seating for 2,000 people
- Concessions
- Show office
- Crow’s nest
- Ticket office
Our Equine Sciences multi-media classrooms are housed within the B.W. Picket arena, so our students can the real-world experience of working in an equine industry facility.
Home to Our Biggest Events
- Legends of Ranching Performance Horse Sale
- Greg Best Jumping Clinic
- Skyline Stampede Collegiate Rodeo
- Buck Brannaman Clinic
- Colorado Regulators Mounted Shooting
- Ranch Sorting National Championships
- PATH International Certification
- Polo Matches

Facility Rentals
Part of our commitment to continued outreach and engagement with our community is to offer our facility as a rental. The facility can accommodate horse shows, rodeos, dressage competitions, polo matches, livestock shows, judging contests and seminars.
Generally, all rentals are handled through CSU Facilities Management. But if you have preliminary questions regarding the B.W. Pickett Arena, please email our ETRC Facilities Manager, Sheila Puckett. sheila.puckett@colostate.edu