Water Quality Resources
The AWQP program builds on a foundation of nearly three decades of research experience, the evaluation of farmer driven practices, and ongoing stakeholder feedback and contributions.
The CSU branch of the AWQP is responsible for providing the research, education and training on agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs). These BMPs target methods to minimize the impact of fertilizer and pesticide applications on Colorado’s drinking water sources.
The success of our program is rooted in the strong relationships cultivated over the years working with the agricultural community and numerous private and public entities in the state of Colorado.
Tools | Videos | Publications
The Agricultural Water Quality Database contains a repository of groundwater and surface water data collected by the CDA branch of the AWQP.
The One Water Solutions Institute tool helps provide information for decision makers to evaluate management options for wastewater, storm water and agricultural operations in Colorado. The Clean Center’s purpose is to demonstrate sustainable solutions for reduction of nutrient pollution in water resources.
The CSU Nutrient Clearing House site is designed to provide Colorado producers one location where they can find resources to efficiently manage nutrients in their crop and livestock operations.
The WISE (Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficient Application) is an award winning cloud-based tool for irrigation scheduling. WISE was initially developed for Colorado, but more locations are being added as additional online weather networks become available.
The Water Quality Interpretation tool has been created to help citizens evaluate drinking, livestock and irrigation water quality test results. The tool was developed by water experts at Colorado State University with input from colleagues at land-grant universities in the western U.S.
Colorado Regulation 85 Resources
Passed in 2012, Regulation 85 reduces nutrient pollution in Colorado waterways, like lakes, rivers, and streams.
Colorado Producers Drought BMPs
Edge of Field Monitoring Installation (2019)
BMP Filter Strip Monitoring Installation (2019)
Regulation 85, Colorado State (2017)
NRCS Edge of Field Monitor: Specialty Crops Field Day (2020)
Irrigation Innovation Consortium Virtual Field Day Tour (2020)
Webinar on Cynaotoxins, Nutrients and Public Health (2017)
Conservation Water Sampler: DIY vs Industry Standard
Best Management Practices (BMP)
- Colorado Corn
- Climate Smart Ag: Cropping Systems Management
- Climate Smart Ag: Grazing Systems Management
- Economic Considerations of Nutrient Management
- Guidelines for Using Conservation Tillage Under Furrow Irrigation
- Irrigation Management
- Manure Utilization 568A
- Agricultural Nitrogen Management
- Pesticide Use
- Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage and Handling
- Agricultural Phosphorus Management
Drinking Water Quality and Private Wells
Home and Garden
- Domestic Water Quality Criteria (Factsheet .513)
- Drinking Water Quality and Health (Factsheet 9.307)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Alternative Pest Management for the Lawn and Garden ( XCM-221)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Fertilizing Your Lawn and Garden (XCM-222)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Household Water Conservation (XCM-219)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Pesticide Use Around the Home and Garden (XCM-220)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment (XCM-223)
- Home and Garden Water Fact Sheets
- Graywater Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (12/14)
- Home Sprinkler Systems: Backflow Prevention Devices (10/14)
- Home Sprinkler Systems: Operating and Maintaining (7/14)
- Home Sprinkler Systems: Preparing Your Sprinkler System for Winter (10/14)
- Water Conservation In and Around the Home (10/14)
- Watering a Home Landscape During Drought (4/13)
- Watering in Fall and Winter (3/13)
- Best Management Practices for Irrigation Management
- Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (CoAgMet) and Crop ET Reports (12/14)
- Crop Water Use and Growth Stages (12/14)
- Drought Resources
- Diagnosing Saline and Sodic Soil Problems (5/12)
- Effects of Weather on Irrigation Requirements (3/09)
- Irrigation Ditches and their Operation (2/11)
- Irrigation: Inspecting and Correcting Turf Irrigation System Problems (10/14)
- Irrigation Fact Sheets
- Irrigation Field Guide & Record Book
- Irrigation Water Quality Criteria (Factsheet .506) or pdf
- Irrigation Pumping Plant Efficiency (9/11)
- Irrigation Scheduling (2/05)
- Irrigation Scheduling: The Water-Balance Approach (1/15)
- Irrigation Water Quality Criteria (10/14)
- Limited Irrigation Management: Principles and Practices (1/09)
- Micro Sprinkler Irrigation for Orchards (1/09)
- Nitrogen and Irrigation Management (Factsheet .514) or pdf
- Seasonal Water Needs and Opportunities for Limited Irrigation for Colorado Crops (9/09)
- Solar-powered Groundwater Pumping Systems (8/12)
- Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) (8/14)
- Soil Management: Saline (10/14)
- Soil Management: Sodic (5/1)
Pesticide Use
- Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticide Use
- Best Management Practices for Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage and Handling
- CDPHE Annual Non-Point Source Pollution Report 2022
- EPA Soil Fumigant Toolbox
- EPA National Water Quality Database
- Homeowner’s Guide to Alternative Pest Management for the Lawn and Garden ( XCM-221)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Pesticide Use Around the Home and Garden (XCM-220)
- Integrated Pest Management Fact Sheets
- NDSU Water Quality and Pesticide Information
- Pesticide Record Book
- Pesticide Safety
- Pesticide Disposal Map
- Pesticide Environmental Stewardship (PES)
Soil Health
Water Quality
- Agricultural Chemicals & Groundwater Protection Report in Colorado
- CSU Extension Water Resources Fact Sheets
- Drought Resources
- Domestic Water Quality Criteria (Factsheet .513)
- Drinking Water Quality and Health (Factsheet 9.307)
- EPA National Water Quality Database
- EPA Ground Water & Drinking Water
- Glossary of Water Terminology (5/12)
- Hydrology Days
- Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment (XCM-223)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Household Water Conservation (XCM-219)
- Nitrates in Drinking Water (Factsheet .517)
- Protecting Your Private Well
- Selecting an Analytical Laboratory (Factsheet .520)
- USDA-ARS Water Resources Management National Program
- Water Archive
- Colorado Water Center
Additional Resources: Educational Materials
Additional Resources: Colorado
- Arkansas River Basin Water Forum
- Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Colorado Water Conservation Board
- Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Gunnison Basin and Grand Valley Selenium Task Force
- Nonpoint Source Colorado
- CoAgMet Homepage
- Colorado Total Maximum Daily Load 303d lists
- Western States Water Council
Additional Resources: Colorado Water Conservancy Districts
Additional Resources: Federal
- EPA Region 8 Water Programs and Topics
- Colorado NRCS Homepage
- USGS NAWQA South Platte River Basin
- EPA Surf Your Watershed
- EPA WATERS (Watershed Assessment, Tracking, and Environmental Results) Site
- NSCE National Library for the Environment: National Council for Science and the Environment
- River Network Online
Connect With Us Today
Contact the Agricultural Water Quality Program
Colorado State University
Plant Sciences Building, Room C003
Fort Collins CO 80523