Image Credit: Ernesto Del Aguila III, NHGRI
Consultation, Training, and Analysis
We offer customized consulting sessions to address specific questions and identify gaps that prevent you from achieving your goals. In these sessions, we can specifically help you with:
- Experimental design consultation
- Data analysis for your research project including strategy, design, and execution/implementation consultation
- Computational analysis consultation
- Custom analysis pipeline
- Learning new analytical skills
- Data storage and software installation service
- Bioinformatic workshops and training
How We Can Assist Your Research
Genomics Assays
Processing and analysis of genomics assays
Data Integration
Multi-omics data integration
Big Data
Organization and analysis of large-scale data resources
R/Bioconductor ecosystem and developing packages in R +Bioconductor
Reproducible Results
Reproducible research in R and good programming habits
Workflow Management
Using workflow managers for efficient data analysis
Contact Us
All consultations are currently held virtually. Once you have submitted a ticket through AgHelp, or submitted an email to agbioinfo, we will schedule your meeting and send you a virtual meeting link.
Software, Hardware, and Server Assistance
Please contact, to request software installs, server accounts, or appointments for consultations to discuss new projects.
Chanda Trivedi
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Consultant
Office Hours: M-F: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Drop-in’s Welcome Thursday from 9:00 -10:00 a.m. in Plant Science Room C033