Horticulture and Human Health – Online

Horticulture and Human Health Graduate Online Certificate This certificate course is offered through CSU Online in the department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. For more information on the course, please visit the CSU Online Website.  ...

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M.S. in Horticulture and Human Health

The Master of Science in Horticulture and Human Health online program is not currently accepting new applications. We are working to create additional capacity to meet demand.
You will learn about plant-based solutions to improve nutrition, human diets, medicines. With the goal of creating and enhancing healthy populations and landscapes.

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Environmental Horticulture Major

Provide solutions necessary to achieve aesthetically pleasing, functional, and environmentally sound outdoor spaces. Offering concentrations in Landscape Design and Contracting, Nursery and Landscape Management, and Turf Management.

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Horticulture Major On-Campus and Online

Apply scientific principles in the growing, marketing, processing, and utilizing of fruits, vegetables, flower and foliage plants, trees, shrubs, and turf grasses. This degree program offers both in-person and online options

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Horticulture – Minor

Learn the application of scientific principles in the growing, marketing, processing, and utilizing of fruits, vegetables, flower and foliage plants, trees, shrubs, and turf grasses.

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Landscape Architecture Major

Give character to the constructed landscape, bringing the same skills to the shaping of landforms, plants, structures, and materials, and service to the client, as an architect brings to a building.

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M.S. in Horticulture

Conduct a research investigation on a horticultural topic that generates statistically analyzable data reported in a comprehensive scientific thesis.

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Agricultural Business Major

Apply theoretical and analytic tools of applied economics within the context of food systems. Explores the broadest context of food systems ranging from small-scale localized markets to traditional market-mediated commodity-based products to highly specialized, vertically coordinated supply chains.

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Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics

The Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics is a STEM-OPT certified program that prepares students in microeconomic theory, quantitative methods, and coursework in agricultural and environmental and natural resource economics.

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